Shanghai Komman Vehicle Component Systems Stock Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Komman Vehicle Component Systems Stock Co., Ltd.

Maintenance and Repair of the Bus Air Suspension System

Apr 13 , 2023

Maintaining the bus air suspension system of KOMMAN is vital to keep passengers safe and comfortable during their journey. Without proper maintenance, the system can suffer from various issues, resulting in a bumpy ride and potential safety risks. In this article, we will discuss the importance of maintenance and repair, as well as some of the key steps involved. 

Importance of maintenance

Regular maintenance of the bus air suspension system is essential for ensuring reliable performance and minimizing the risk of breakdowns. The air suspension system is constantly exposed to elements such as wear and tear, vibration, and temperature fluctuations that can cause it to become unstable. Without regular maintenance, the suspension system can weaken, leading to a rough ride and potential safety risks. 

Repairing the system

When the bus air suspension system is damaged, it is important to repair it as soon as possible. Depending on the type of damage, repairs can range from replacing a few parts to completely replacing the system. In either case, it is important to have the system inspected by a professional to determine the source of the problem and the best way to fix it.

Inspection and maintenance tips

In order to keep the bus air suspension system in good condition, it is important to regularly inspect the system and perform maintenance when necessary. Some of the key steps involved in inspecting and maintaining the system include: 

Checking the air pressure of the suspension system

The air pressure in the system should be checked regularly to ensure it is within the manufacturer's specifications.

Inspecting the air hoses and airbags

The air hoses and airbags should be inspected for signs of damage or wear and tear. Any damaged parts should be replaced as soon as possible.

Checking the suspension height

The suspension height should be checked to ensure it is within the manufacturer's specifications.

Replacing the air filter

The air filter should be replaced regularly to prevent dirt and debris from entering the system.

To ensure the optimal performance of the KOMMAN bus air suspension system, regular maintenance and repair is essential. Following the tips outlined above can help to keep the system in good condition and minimize the risk of breakdowns. However, if the system is damaged, it is important to have it inspected and repaired as soon as possible.

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